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My name is Allan Casas and I'm a Sketchup artist, I use Sketchup mainly for Archviz work like modelling and rendering. I also use other 3D software like 3Dsmax, Modo, Maxwell Render, AutoCAD and Photoshop.
I'm an Architect by profession and spend mostly my time designing and creating 3D models and renderings. I created this blog so that I can post my work so everyone can see. If you like my work please email me. Thanks

CONTACT: allancasas@gmail.com

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AOC4 3D Visualization Modelling Rendering

  • From MANILA, Philippines
  • I'm an Architect and I especialize in design and visualization. My company is collaborating with other Architects, developer and designer in other countries to visualize their designs and help them through the design process, concept and for clients requirements.
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